Creativity Days
Cross curricular creativity!
Cross curricular creativity!
The days that students will always remember! Off timetable for a day or even a week to have those experiences you just can't squeeze into 60 minutes!
The days that students will always remember! Off timetable for a day or even a week to have those experiences you just can't squeeze into 60 minutes!
The highlight for me is taking students to a point where they express themselves and find skills they didn't think they had. Being able to link with other subject areas and apply them together is priceless learning. I just wish I had more images of them to share. Visits to galleries and museums, the theatre, working with artists and designers, music, dance, PE, maths and more!
Day of the Dead
Day of the Dead
Printmaking, photography, costume and chocolate skulls!
Samba Day
Samba Day
Drumming, dancing and wall hangings!
Year 7 Window hangings inspired by Samba Music
Microbot Day
Microbot Day
Year 7 -Collaboration with Design and Technology, Art and IT
Year 7 -Collaboration with Design and Technology, Art and IT