KS3 Artwork

Yr 7,8 and 9

Formal Elements - Line, shape and Form, Texture, Colour, Tone and Space.

Students arrive at KS3 with a variety of art experiences. Over time I have built and delivered a large number of projects that all have the same fundamental basis - the formal elements. With this knowledge students can develop as individual artists. Projects will begin with drawing and analysis of other artists work before developing into sculpture, print, clay, painting or mixed-media.

The examples below are a handful of the pieces students have created. The ones that I have managed to capture on my camera! They show the diversity of skill level that students have at KS3 and I hope the immense pride I have for them as artists.


Responding to artists

Leonid Afremov

Ana Maria Pacheco

Jenni Sparks

Anna Dillon

Antoni Gaudi

Responding to different cultures

Painting and Mixed Media

Clay and Sculpture


Abstract Animals - 12 week project example